Hire a Dental Direct Mail Broker!

Why Use The Dental Direct Mail Guy?

Dental Website Hosting

Reason #1

You Keep Getting The Wrong Patients

You are spending a lot on marketing but aren’t getting the patients you want. Direct Mail builds trust over time and helps brand you as the go to dentist in your area.

Dental Website Hosting

Reason #2

You have a new practice and need new patients.

It’s exciting to be the new owner of a dental practice. Direct Mail has proven time and again to build a patient base you want with a brand people trust. 

Dental Websites

Reason #3

You love your online marketing company but they don't provide direct mail

Your marketing company does a great job but doesn’t provide direct mail. I work well with others and will work to make sure to provide them and you the support for a successful campaign.

Dental Website Hosting

Reason #4

Your current direct mail is too expensive.

The rising costs of printing has drastically reduced the value of most direct mail campaigns. I have been brokering deals for dentists all across the country for over 25 years. I can get you the best deal!

Dental Website Hosting

Reason #5

You need new patients.

No other medium delivers better ROI consistently than direct mail. Using a broker means getting discounts of up to 50%

Do You Have A Different Reason?

How To Get Started

Fill Out The Form Below To See if You Qualify For Brokered Mail

Since most websites have customization, it's important to make sure all links and third party apps are working properly.

Set-up a Call With The Dental Direct Mail Guy.

For a dental office it's important your hosting service is secure and won't go down. Our servers are local, secure, and fast!

We Develop and Execute the Campaign

Content changes frequently. We provide up to two hours of edit time each month. New doctor coming on board, we got you covered.

Choose Your Creative

There's a lot that can be done to a website to help its ranking. There's no advanced tactics here but we can help you maintain your presence with Google.

Choose Your Start Dates

Capture the most important target market in your area. New Movers! Reach 500 new residents each month.

Get New Patients

This is where we shine. We still use the phone. When you have a request you can call us, text, email, or fill out an online ticket. Whatever is easiest.

New Mover Mail for Dentists



Happy Faces

I have been at this for three decades. Here are some of our favorite clients!

When COVID hit we needed to scale back our online marketing spend. The Basics has really helped us keep our online presence for 10% of what we were paying.

Dr. Anthony Garofalo

We got away from online marketing last year and haven't seen a drop-off in our online presence since using Dental Basics. We have been very pleased!

Dr. Michael Williams

We have been using Dental Basics for almost five years. We have a great referral practice but still get a lot of new patients even from the minimal money we spend.

Dr. Roy Jennings

What's Next?